About Me

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I am married, a mother of two awesome kids and a novice blogger. We live in Plymouth, MN, USA. I am a full-time cosmetology student set to graduate in July 2014. In my spare time, I manage my own businesses within the health and wellness industry. I want to one day own and operate my own one-stop cosmetology business: hair, skin, nails, makeup and wellness.

Be In Business for Yourself!

Let me show you how I earn my income working for the best companies in the world! I am passionate about LifeVantage and Protandim as I suffer from Fibromyalgia and this supplement has improved my quality of life tremendously!

Do you like to create, scrapbook and make cards? Then Close To My Heart is for you!!

Contact me today for more info! johnsonland@yahoo.com or via phone at 612-840-0564.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

LifeVantage Information Meetings

Do you want to know why I am so excited about Protandim and LifeVantage? If you visit our Big Blue Calendar and click on your state, you can see what is going on all across America - AND we are growing worldwide! If you DO decide to attend a meeting, please let me know ASAP so I can help you get registered. Call me at 612-840-0564!

Here is what is coming up in MN on Saturday October 22, 2011:

Saturday October 22, 2011 8:45 AM - 1:00 PM
Contact Laura Green-Johnson for all information: 612-840-0564
Meeting Location Information:
4460 W 78th Street Circle, Bloomington, MN 55435



Park Plaza Hotel North side of 494 between France Ave/Hwy 100

Welcome back Pro 7 Cardiologist - Dr. Mark Gordon and Pro 6 Kazzi Teel, both from Sioux Falls, SD!

Whether you have been at their presentations before or if this is your first time - you are in for a special treat! Their knowledge and enthusiasm for all things Lifevantage - Protandim, True Science and this absolutely once in a lifetime experience - will turn even the biggest skeptic into a Pro 10 Seeker!

Mark your calendars - change your plans - cancel your flights to Europe! You will want to attend this event with all you care about! Registration 8:30am Opportunity Event 9am - 10am Distributor Training 10am - 1:00pm Distributors $25/Guests no charge.

We hope you can join us in MN on October 22nd. You will be glad you did!

Laura Green-Johnson
Independent Distributor

Also visit www.abcliveit.com for more information!

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